About Jayne R. Goode, Ph.D.: Jayne Goode is an Associate Professor and the Graduate Director for the Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance program. As Director, she advises students, oversees developments in the program, manages recruitment and admissions, and supports faculty. In addition, she teaches courses in quantitative methods and conducts research in the role that political communication has in relationships. She received her Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in Women’s Studies and her Master of Arts in Communication from Ball State University, and she received her Ph.D. in Political Communication from the University of Missouri.
Interview Questions
[MastersinCommunications.com] Could you please provide an overview of Governors State University’s Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance program, and how it is structured? What are the key learning outcomes students can expect from this program?
[Dr. Goode] The structure of our MA program provides foundational knowledge in the discipline of communication, while allowing for the flexibility to teach cutting edge research in the subfields. Our program encompasses faculty from our communication studies, media studies, and theatre and performance studies BA programs.
Students take an introduction to graduate studies course and two methods courses (quantitative and qualitative). The rest of the hours are devoted to areas of interest. 6000 level courses provide an introduction to graduate level study of a topic. 7000 level courses focus on a topic from one discipline (communication, media, or performance studies), while 8000 level courses combine multiple disciplines to examine a topic of study. Popular courses in our program are the interpersonal seminar and our critical pedagogy class.
One of the courses we have offered is CMP8000 Transnational TV. This course establishes a basis of knowledge on the history and evolution of television. This course takes the contemporary “revolution in television” as a starting point for understanding how consumers navigate the contemporary media landscape across borders.
Our program is grounded in teaching traditional skills of writing and critical thinking essential to success in any place of employment requiring an advanced degree. Students leave our program with an understanding of current controversies surrounding communication and society.
[MastersinCommunications.com] Governors State University’s Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance program offers on-campus, online, and hybrid courses, how much of the program can be completed online? What online technologies does the program use to facilitate students’ interactions with course faculty and peers?
[Dr. Goode] Students can take on-site, online and hybrid courses in our program. We offer online courses every semester. However, our core courses (Introduction to Graduate Studies, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods) must be taken on-site. We currently use Blackboard to manage all our courses. In online courses, students can expect that professors post lectures and have discussions through the system (forums and Voicethread). Students typically take at least one online course in the program.
[MastersinCommunications.com] For their final graduation requirement, students can choose between a thesis, a project, and a comprehensive examination. Could you elaborate on these three options, and what each entails?
[Dr. Goode] A thesis requires students to complete an original research project from start to finish. A project allows students to design an application of existing communication scholarship outside of a research context. In many cases this serves as a workplace product once a student graduates. For example, we have had students create training workshops for companies they currently work for. For the comprehensive exam, students choose a committee of three faculty and negotiate a reading list for the semester. The committee then provides three questions related to the readings and the student must answer those three questions in a 7-10 page paper for each.
[MastersinCommunications.com] What role does faculty mentorship play in Governors State University’s Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance? Independent of faculty instruction and support, what career development resources and academic services are available to students, and how can students make the most of these mentorship opportunities and support systems while in the program?
[Dr. Goode] Students have considerable freedom to choose their courses and trajectory through the program and our faculty are supportive of the various responsibilities of our student populations. Some faculty hold online office hours, particularly when teaching online courses. Students are encouraged to work with faculty well in advance of their capstone semester, and are able to assist faculty members on individual research projects. All students benefit from a professional academic advisor to assist with course selection and navigating their program of study. The university hosts an annual career fair for Communication, and Career Services provides online access to jobs on and off campus, as well as internship opportunities. Students in the program are encouraged to participate in conferences and we have had several students present at regional and national communication conferences. Funding is also provided for travel through Student Life.
[MastersinCommunications.com] For students interested in Governors State University’s Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance program, what advice do you have for submitting a competitive application?
[Dr. Goode] A strong applicant to our program would be able to communicate the student’s desire to pursue the degree with an emphasis on how the program would assist them in future career goals. We expect that students are aware of the dedication and time commitment required for graduate level work. A strong writing sample demonstrates competence and familiarity with accessing scholarly journal articles and use of sources for argumentation.
[MastersinCommunications.com] What makes Governors State University’s Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance unique, and a particularly strong graduate degree option for students?
[Dr. Goode] The program at GSU is unique in the ability to adapt curriculum to faculty expertise, keep up with new and emerging areas, and provide a breadth of study in communication areas. Students leave our program immersed in current conversations regarding communication and society. Many of our students utilize their degree to position themselves as competitive for career advancement. Our program has also had students who have successfully applied to doctoral programs.
Thank you, Dr. Goode, for your insight into Governors State University’s Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance program!