Online Master of Arts in Communication and Media

Department: Department of Communication and Media
Specializations/Concentrations: Optional Graduate Certificate in Organizational Communication & Inclusive Leadership
Websites: Department and Program

Program Format
Structure: Online program with no required campus visits
Instruction Methods: Students have the option to complete courses online or attend live campus-based classes using Zoom
Campus Visits Required: No
Program Length: Program can be completed in less than 2 years - students can take one to three courses per semester
Start Dates: Fall and Spring admission

Curriculum and Graduation Requirements
Credits Required: 30 or 33 credits (10-11 courses)
Thesis Required: No
Capstone Options: Thesis or comprehensive exam plus additional course (non-thesis option)
Example Courses: Communication and Media Theory; Communication Research Methodology; Mass Communication Theory; Inclusive Leadership in the Workplace; Organizational Cultures and Communication; Crisis Communication

Admission Requirements
Application Requirements: Bachelor's degree; academic or professional writing sample; three letters of recommendation
GPA Requirements: Minimum GPA 2.75 (students with a GPA lower than 2.75 may be considered for admission)
Testing Requirements: GRE not required

Tuition Costs
Estimated Tuition*: ~16,740 + fees to ~$18,414 + fees
Cost per Credit Hour: $558 per credit hour

State Authorizations: Program accepts students from all 50 states

*Estimated tuition is calculated by multiplying the cost per credit hour by the number of credits required to graduate. It does not include fees or other expenses.